September 29, 2022

What is Cascadia Carbon?

What is Cascadia Carbon?


The voluntary carbon offset market has been around since before the internet was a thing. The market was created when companies wanted to offset their carbon emissions. Over the past 50 years, it has slowly grown into a multi-billion dollar market but still does not allow individuals, homeowners, and small landowners to participate because it costs too much to verify and list your offsets for sale. Cascadia Carbon was created as the Airbnb for offsets to solve this issue. The project allows individual homeowners to take the carbon stored in their trees and tokenize it for sale to corporations. 


Cascadia Carbon helps people to connect the trees in their yard to the lucrative carbon offset market while fighting climate change. People could get paid for the good care you take of their trees.

To participate, people must document their tree, including the species, size, health, and location, in addition to detailed photographs. Then Cascadia Carbon creates a digital certificate of authenticity. The non-fungible token, or NFT, becomes an NF-Tree. Then any tree growth – mostly carbon – goes into the carbon offset market. As the tree grows, so does the vestment.  

Cascadia Carbon's vision of a trillion trees starts with you, an individual, tokenizing your tree and caring for it, earning CODEX, and playing a planetary game of "PokémonGo! for climate change."

As tokenized trees continue to grow, the growth is verified via user-uploaded data using machine vision and photometric analysis. Then fungible CODEX tokens are dispersed to reward individuals for their growth. 

CODEX Tokens

CODEX tokens represent 1kg/yr of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere.

The idea behind tokenization is that it allows you to verify and validate that you and your family are doing something to stop climate change. There are so few things an individual can do in their daily life that are carbon negative. There's one thing you can do that's carbon negative, and that plants a tree that photosynthesizes, removing emissions directly from the air. 


Closing Statement

Our vision of a trillion trees starts with you, an individual, tokenizing your tree and caring for it, earning CODEX, and playing a planetary game of Pokémon Go for climate change.

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